

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yup I'm a Groucho Marxist!

I have been watching the news again. When I say the news I mean stuff like the network news and cable news and listening to NPR, in other words the bullshit about politics that substitutes as news. All it really is, is color commentary similar to what sportscasters do. You know you could watch a game and keep up with it without the sportscaster jabbering away. Just like that we could keep up with the political games without listening to a bunch of media hacks prattling on about it.

The real news is that no matter who either major party nominates for President (or any other office) they will not be representing you or me. The real news is that today our country is a democracy in name only. No matter who is elected President he will be there to serve corporations and not you or me. No matter who your Senator is (unless it is Bernie Sanders) he or she is there to serve corporate interests against the interests of you and me. So is your Representative. Lest you think that politicians closer to home care more about you rest assured your Governor and legislature could not care less about you. And if by some chance you wind up in a legal conflict with a corporation rest assured the judiciary is there to make sure the corporations win.

Remember the bail out, when we rescued the corporations and banks that had been screwing us? You know it would have been cheaper to just pay off all the bad mortgages and keep all those people in their houses? But of course we couldn't do that it wouldn't be fair! So we said screw all those ordinary people. And also screw all the people who were not foreclosed on but now see their property values plummet because their neighborhoods are full of foreclosures! Screw ordinary people, our leaders (actually the corporations servants) said, we gotta save a bunch of giant corporations. Afterall they are too big to fail, but you are not! In fact you are just the perfect size to fail.

So you put your money into a 401K and it loses money as corporate fat cats squander your savings. If you take it out the IRS will charge you a penalty. They get bailed out and you pay penalties. Meanwhile the socalled news distracts you from what is really going on with color commentary on meaningless elections while giant corporations pick your pockets clean. Nothing will change unless we admit our votes are worthless and set about change by more direct methods. Yikes!


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