

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sounds About Right To Me

Sometimes it is good to engage in a little self assessment.

You know I'm a head tripper. There are a lot of things I understand theoretically but when it comes to practical application I'm like one of those tiny wrenches that comes with Ikea furniture kits, completely useless! I understand the Otto cycle but don't let me near your car's engine. Being a head tripper isn't all bad, in fact it's absolutely necessary in a lot of areas, just not any that have any immediate practical value.

Over the years I have become more action oriented. I consider that to be a sign of positive change. I kind of believe in the old adage; "When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!" I wonder if running in circles while screaming and shouting is generally considered a productive activity? It burns calories.

So being a head tripper is fairly useless and running around aimlessly accomplishes nothing either. Maybe I need to focus on my emotional growth. I do cry at sad movies. I practically dehydrated myself watching "War Horse." The cool thing about movies is they put you through the wringer but after it's over your done. Don't you wish life could be that way? Something makes you feel sad or mad and then it's over, done, finished. I don't know for sure if I would like that. It seems sort of shallow. It is kind of how little kids are hmmm. Are little kids more emotionally healthy than me?

So I'm a head tripping, circle running, screaming and shouting, emotional mess. Yeah that sounds about right. I love life don't you?


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