

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Get Carried Away Sometimes

I suppose that if I was observed by satellite, day in and day out, the observers would conclude that I lead a totally unremarkable life. On the other hand if someone was riding around inside my head and observing my thoughts and feelings they would have some pretty strange experiences! So which of these points of view is more realistic? When I was a kid I believed in an objective reality. Nowadays I'm not so sure.

I suppose mathematics is about as objective as anything can possibly be. So far physicists (probably the science closest to math) have not found a mathematical model which works on every scale of measure. Relativity works at large (astronomical) scales while quantum mechanics works at tiny (sub-atomic) scales. But nothing works at both so far. There may be a mathematical model that can describe all of reality no matter the scale. Such a model is usually referred to as a "Theory of Everything." Coming up with a model that can do that would be the ultimate accomplishment for a physicist. Physicists are pursuing this quest with the faith of medieval knights chasing the Holy Grail.

Everybody wants to understand everything, but nobody does. At least we are beginning to comprehend how truly ignorant we actually are. We know common sense is an illusion because it is based on our perceptions. Our perceptions are so limited that, believing in them, is actually to live in a fantasy world.

So is there anything to believe in? I have faith that my experience is part of some larger reality. Sometimes I wonder why I am having this particular experience of reality but I have no doubt that my experience makes sense. What I may never know is that larger context in which my experience fits and that is frustrating at times. This is all just faith. Faith that somehow it all makes sense. If it doesn't make sense then it's all nonsense.


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