

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cartoon Physics

I think this may be my first incarnation. I just don't seem to have the hang of it. Have you ever gotten some of that Ikea furniture and somehow lost the directions? There you were with all this one sided veneer particle board, assorted bolts, some unidentifiable slotted metal cylinders, an odd number of tiny wooden dowels, and some kind of pygmy wrench. Remember how lost and confused you felt? I don't feel that way all the time, sometimes I am in denial. That's fun! But then reality yanks the floor out from under me. It's like cartoon physics.

I believe in cartoon physics. Cartoon physics is so much more relate-able than are quantum physics or relativity. Einstein and Schrodinger had nothing on Tex Avery! Schrodinger and Einstein had some good ideas I guess but they didn't know how to defy gravity! Tex Avery understood how to do it. It's the first law of cartoon physics. You can in fact walk on air as long as you don't look down! That's where I go wrong every time. I just can't help looking down, and there I am standing on nothing!

Life is a pop quiz in a subject I didn't know I was taking this semester. I'm here doing improvisation because I have the wrong script! That's how I feel when I pay attention. Fortunately I rarely pay attention. Nearly all the time I am blithely strolling along on thin air. Only occasionally does some shiny bit of reality distract me. Then I realize how unprepared I am. It's damn uncomfortable!

There are those people who always seem to have it together. Those people that always say the right thing. Those people who seem to have it all figured out. I am probably being petty but I like to believe those people are fakes.


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