

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn" - Jim Morrison

Why is some murder punished and other murder rewarded? It makes absolutely no sense at all. We say we believe in law and order, that we are a country of laws but, that's a lie! We talk about America as a country of fairness under the law, again a lie. There are crimes we punish and crimes we reward. The crimes we reward are far worse than the ones we punish! We are essentially a criminal organization run for the benefit of the biggest criminals. We punish the petty criminals to keep the sheep in line.

The above may sound crazy like some lunatic raving but the facts bear it out. Take a mild example, say "mountain top removal." If you were some kind of a jerk wad vandal and went around "tagging" other people's property, well that would be a crime. And if you were caught you would be rightly punished. Now say you are some mega fucking corporation and instead of defacing some merchant's store front, you're flat out leveling one of the wonders of nature, murdering countless wildlife, poisoning the air and dumping your shit into pristine mountain streams, well you get a big fucking reward for that crime! If destroying mountains isn't a sin then nothing is! Yet we persist in punishing other lesser crimes.

Scientists recently confirmed that the BP oil spill is responsible for the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of sea mammals, as well as birds, fish and probably turtles. BP has responded by sponsoring a public relations campaign for the coastal states they poisoned. The campaign is designed to white wash the disaster they created. Meanwhile your neighborhood association can foreclose on you if fail to maintain your lawn adequately.

Do you know that the Coca Cola Company has a goal of buying all the water rights in developing countries? They  want to sell water to victims of drought. Monsanto has virtually taken over agriculture in India. Through their genetic modification scheme they are the soul source of seed for Indian farmers. Their prices are so high that subsistence farmers cannot afford them. The farmers have become so distraught that suicide has become an epidemic in rural India. Thank you Monsanto, thank you Coca Cola. Coca Cola wants the world to sing in perfect harmony but only for the pleasure of their corporate overlords.

Bob Dylan said "money doesn't talk it swears." Shit he said that decades before corporate feudalism was secretly installed as our actual political and economic system. This system rewarded the corporations that ruined our economy. The Wall Street criminals that pedaled bogus securities based on fraudulent mortgages were rewarded. Their victims lost their homes. If you write a hot check you can be arrested, you will pay fees and fines and maybe get a criminal record. If your bank writes a hot check they'll get a bail out and their CEO will get a bonus, but only if they are a big ass bank!

What can you do? We may not have passed the point where some form of peaceful reform can take place but, we are headed for that point at break neck speed. The amoral philosophy of unfettered corporate greed has turned into some kind of hell bound juggernaut! "Casey Jones you better watch your speed."


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