

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why Jesus Never Gets Invited To Parties

What is it I am supposed to be doing? I'm a pretty busy person. I grew up with the good old protestant work ethic. You know that sense that sense that no matter what you're doing you ought to be doing something else. Or if not something else I should be doing what I'm doing either faster or better, maybe faster and better! Behind all this self inflicted misery is the idea that I should have to earn the right to enjoy life.

I do connect this attitude to a certain kind of spiritual or religious outlook. It is the point of view from which comes the idea we should all be glad to do God's will but should not actually expect it to be fun. I come from a system which puts forth the view that God's will is, that I be happy joyous and free! Now that sounds like fun, right? So why does the idea of God's will sound like such a drag?

I think it's because God gets a bad rap due to the crowd that He is associated with. Lets face it a lot of righteous people are not much fun at all! I used to get a kick out of giving them a hard time. Okay that's a lie! I still get a kick out of it. I remember one particularly sanctimonious guy who used to warn me about falling into the Devil's company. I told him that the Devil and I were best friends, that I called him "Dev" for short. He actually freaked out over stuff like that.

Nowadays I think God is probably a lot more fun than we can believe. You know it's true! If God is infinite (if not He's not God) then he is doing some really weird bizarre stuff! He has got to have a real wild sense of humor. I like those statues of the fat laughing Buddha, now that guy is in touch with God's will. God wants you to laugh your pants off!

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