

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Rose By Any Other Name Is Oh Baby, Baby!

I really have fun with my art. Whether I'm painting "realistically" or in a more bizarre way, or cartooning, or even writing, I am probably having fun. I think the idea of the suffering artist is kind of sickening. Art should relieve suffering not cause it. I have written poetry in moments of despair or grief, but I found this poetry to be healing. Even when it was angry it was a healing form of anger. I'm not talking about the wallowing around in anger typical of popular music. I think that stuff is just like the wallowing that happens on TV crime shows.

I do like art which is socially conscious, but I don't care for propaganda. Sometimes this is a fine line but I think it is discernible. The propagandist is using art to push an agenda. The artist is expressing himself. I like to think of God as an artist. People are always trying to figure out how the world we see can be the way it appears to be (messed up) if there really is a loving God. Any artist knows you cannot have light without dark. Actually I have tried to paint pictures that were completely lit up! They are so pastel they wind up just looking washed out. Who would want to read a story without any drama or suspense?

Lets face it without any ups and downs life wouldn't be very lively. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to paint a smiley face on depression. Actually I'm totally against any kind of feel good psycho-pablum. I just know life is never going to be all flowers and orgasms and that is what makes flowers and orgasms so much fun. Okay maybe flowers aren't fun.


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