

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Hypocrisy Of Corporate Media

The latest thing from establishment talking heads like Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper is to smear anyone affiliated with or who has even appeared on RT (Russia Today) as some sort of stooge at best or spy at worst. I confess I have watched RT. Some of their programs are excellent and some of their journalists are so much more intelligent and more objective than Rachel or Jake. I am thinking of Thom Hartman on "The Big Picture" and Chris Hedges on "On Contact." Comparing Thom and Chris to Rachel and Jake is like comparing Kurt Vonnegut to Lee Childs. One opens your eyes and makes you think and the other is a distraction.

Distraction is the job of corporate media. Rachel et al at MSNBC are there to distract you with soap opera stories about largely irrelevant stories about Michael Flynn or Ivanka Trump. Proof of CNN's and MSNBC's slavish devotion to the military industrial establishment is how their various anchors enthusiastically ejaculated in response to Trump's attacks on civilians in Yemen and an empty air base in Syria. The response from CNN and MSNBC was to fawn all over the Donald with gushing praise that he had just achieved Presidential status with these futile acts. They loved it when he dropped the MOAB on some former CIA habitat in Afghanistan too.

If you allow yourself to be bamboozled by these dissemblers, you will fall into the establishment's game. The game is the old bait and switch. It is the skill which magicians and pick-pockets employ to keep looking in all the wrong directions while a con is being played on you right in front of your face.

The Trump campaign was a con as most people, except for the truly devoted rubes, have come to realize. The Democrats did win the popular vote (by the way Thom Hartman on RT was an avid supporter of hers subsequent to the primaries ending) but still missed out because too many people saw through them.

The corporate media establishment is part of the establishment that Hillary represented and that nobody wanted. Now they are desperately trying to fool us into falling into line behind them. They want us to return to being ignorant and harmless sheep, sheep which they plan to sheer.


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