

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Judge Nasty McMeanstreak For The High Court?

During the campaign there was speculation that Humpty Trumpty would nominate Judge Judy for the Supreme Court. I was pulling for Judge Mathis myself. Well the Cheetoh in Chief nominated Judge Gorsuch instead. The Republicans aim to ram him through. The Democrats surprisingly have shown some backbone. Al Franken Senator from Minnesota, was especially good in interrogating this corporate lackey (running dog, capitalist pig, etc.) judge. This Judge (I won't be trumpish and call him a "So-Called-Judge") is a guy who believes that women deceive their employers into hiring them just so they can get family leave. He said that shit to his law students! When they disbelieved him he suggested they were naive. He apparently believes women graduate college, go to law school and pass the bar exam all in some diabolical scheme to get some cushy family leave so that they can get pregnant and start squirting out offspring! This is not someone who should not even be allowed to judge a cat show much less sit on the Supreme Court.

Judge Gorsuch has sided with corporations over people nine out of ten times. The only time he did not was once against an adult book store or some such. His worst decision was likely the one where every other judge hearing the case ruled the other way. This was a case where an employer basically ordered the employee to die for the company. Judge Gorsuch ruled in favor of the company. The employee was in the process of dying from exposure to extreme low temperature, he was dying of hypothermia, and the employer did not give a shit about him. Judge Gorsuch said the employer had the right to fire him for refusing to die! This man has no heart. He is a dick. He does not belong on the Supreme Court period.

President Lumpy Rutherford will not wise up he is a turd with a comb over but it does not help. Still I think the real problem is the people behind the curtain not the giant orange flaming head of the Wizard of Odd. Get ready the revolution is coming.


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