

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Distractor In Chief

The conventional (corporate) media insists on keeping us distracted with the antics of Donald Trump. The truth is Trump is irrelevant. The real power lies in corporations, their ultra rich CEOs and their hand-maidens in Congress. Consider Paul Ryan, a disciple of Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand was a Social Darwinist who believed wholeheartedly in the ascendancy of the capitalist class. She found other less capable people (in her view) as basically unworthy of survival. Her novel Atlas Shrugged makes this clear. As a disciple of Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan is carrying out the mission of the ultra rich. These people see themselves as vastly superior to the masses of humanity. They believe they are rich and powerful because they are better.

The novel Atlas Shrugged is a sort of bible for these folks. It also appeals to many average folks. This appeal rests on an unfortunate quality that almost all of us share. Most people believe they are above average. The overwhelming majority of people believe they are smarter, harder working, more virtuous and more deserving than most other people. This is of course ridiculous but, remains an unfortunate aspect of human nature. Ayn Rand's appeal and the popularity of her Social Darwinist philosophy is a result of so many people seeing themselves as members of a superior minority of the population (a more competent minority).

The current Congress is engaged in instituting these Social Darwinist/Ayn Rand views into social policy. These policies will not be as overtly evil as say Nazism but, they will have the same overall effect. Millions of people will be reduced to being the denizens of impoverished ghetto communities ruled over by militarized police. Healthcare will be a rare privilege instead of an inalienable right.

How will this take place without people rising up either peacefully or in armed insurrection? Well the elites including the corporate media intends to keep you busy watching our clown prince Donald Trump the Distractor In Chief of the United States.

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