

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The God Of The Gaps

When I was a teenager I actually read and for a while entertained the hypotheses put forward by Erich von Daniken in his book Chariots of The Gods. A few years later I read The Ancient Engineers by L. Sprague De Camp. If you have a serious case of the runs, read the von Daniken book, it will provide an interesting distraction from your plight. If you are looking for a fascinating read by someone who is not a crackpot read the De Camp book, it will amaze you.

I do watch nerd shows like Ancient Aliens and Conspiracy Files (I am a secret nerd who could never keep it secret!) because they are of tremendous honk value! I listen to George Noory on Coast to Coast AM (it was so much better before those Fox Nazis took it over!) to hear all those liars spin their tall tales about UFOs. Hey one of my first postings was about my own UFO story (utterly false) I convinced other kids of as a child.

I would love to believe this stuff but unfortunately I am sane and have a three digit IQ. Oh the curse of functionality! What drives me crazy sometimes, as anyone paying regular attention to my ramblings (God bless you!) knows, is how so many people cannot differentiate between shit and Shinola.

I sympathize with our ancestors for making up myths and legends to explain things they could not understand. Some of those stories are pretty cool. Nobody believes them anymore. Of course people still use God to explain anything that is beyond their comprehension. This gets annoying! I think it is cooler to just admit there is stuff we do not understand rather than either blaming it on or assigning it to God (depending on whether it is bad or just baffling).

The term for this is "the God of the gaps." It is a convenient way of stifling your curiosity by assigning stuff to God or to ancient aliens or some government conspiracy. If none of those work you can always blame stuff on the Masons or the Illuminati (who the f&$# are the Illuminati?).

The truth is it is much more interesting to actually learn something. Gaining some minimal understanding of evolution or quantum physics is so much more satisfying and awe inspiring than believing in creationist or new age mumbo jumbo. You should try it!

Carl Sagan was an absolute atheist but also as spiritual a person as I ever read. His book Contact (his only fictional work) was so cosmic, so profound, so intelligent, it will amaze you. Sagan died before we learned that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate. I wonder what he would have had to say about this? He would not have made something up or blamed it on a supernatural force.

This kind of stuff is mind blowing. For almost a hundred years we have known about the "Big Bang." We assumed that for the last 14 billion years that explosion was slowly waning. This is what seemed commonsensical. Once again the universe is not the way we perceive it. In fact we only perceive 2% of it! The rest of the universe is invisible ("dark") to us. The universe is not slowing down, it is speeding up! It is growing bigger and bigger, faster and faster!

Okay I have my own crack pot idea about that. I do not think the "Big Bang" ended 14 billion years ago. I think it is possible that it is happening right now! This may be the moment of creation. I like this idea, it may be crap, but the idea that the reason the universe is expanding at an increasing rate is because this is still the "Bang" is exhilirating to me. Man am I a nerd or what?


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