

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Don't Worry Be Happy!

I love to ride my bike. Right now it's too hot to ride until the sun goes down. Riding at night is okay but I miss all the stuff you can see during the day. Riding a bike is really the best way to see stuff. Walking is way too slow so you are limited by how far you can go in a reasonable amount of time. Going by car you miss just about everything. A bike is the perfect way to get around, especially on an island like where I live.

I wonder how I ever managed to stand summer before I lived by the beach. The beach is great! People talk to each other at the beach. Well adolescents don't talk but they are all crazy anyway. I think that shortly after puberty people start producing an invisible, odorless and tasteless gas that produces a psychotic state in anyone who inhales it. This would not only include adolescents but also their parents while they are within the "whiffing zone" which surrounds the youngster. Some kids have a giant whiff zone surrounding them! They can create a lot of craziness. The effects eventually wear off. Pubescent psycho gas is a growing problem. It seems that puberty is occurring earlier in the life cycle and adolescence is sometimes a greatly protracted stage. This helps explain all kinds of bizarre phenomena from things like "Toddlers In Tiaras" to Hugh Hefner.

I think we older adolescents should be called "Silver Back Adolescents." This name reminds me of silver back mountain gorillas. Those gorillas are like the kings of their domains. It is time to pay the same kind of respect to we people who have stretched the envelope on adolescence! But I digress (no shit!) the beach is the place to be in the summer. I always keep two low-rider beach chairs and a beach umbrella in the trunk of my Korean Mercedes (Kia Rio). I keep a beach bag packed and ready to go. Sometimes I just walk across the street and go to the beach there. Other times I drive to a far end of the island, walk several hundred yards and hang out on a less crowded more serene beach.

My bike has a basket and I can throw a beach towel in it and ride my bike in my board shorts and stop anywhere I want as I go exploring. No wonder the place gets perfectly lousy with tourists in the summer. Touristas are the only thing wrong with living in paradise but what are you going to do? I know the shortcuts if I have to drive in order to get somewhere. Otherwise hey "don't worry be happy," that is God's will for us afterall

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